Lyme is a place dear to many hearts - i know Roger and Dot have always loved it as have we. They were immediately welcoming when we bought across from them 12 years ago. Its always difficult to put thoughts down on paper ; it sometimes feels like one is intruding on the deep personal grief of those closest to the person who has passed .
We were so glad to have been able to spend several hours with Roger and Dot at Lyme just a few weeks ago - and as ever he joked about his situation. Thinking about what to write made me realize there are those we meet in our lives whom we would very much like to have known better and Roger was certainly in that category. A kind and decent man.
When one 'gets' Lyme , there is always a slightly excited expectation as one approaches and sees the Cobb down Cobb Rd - for me that was'nt just about the place but also people. Seeing Roger and Dot always made a visit more complete - and if they were'nt there it was slightly disappointing and a little incomplete , so i hope Dot will be able to continue coming down in DOT 303....
Roger was one of those people who made the world a better place and will be remembered for that - 'Nuff said.
Robbie Ross
9th October 2022